
It improves and optimizes liver functions like detoxification; protein, fat, carbohydrate and vitamin metabolism. It improves immunity and digestibility. Prevents oxidation damage and improves over-all performance.


A unique liquid feed supplement for detoxification and improved productivity in birds. Mycotoxins are highly toxic secondary metabolic products of molds in the feed ingredients. Under practical conditions, no poultry feed is completely free of mycotoxins. The adverse effects of mycotoxins on poultry are manifold indicating a clear and persistent danger.

Impact of mycotoxins :

  • Direct health challenges; reduced immune response and toxicity.
  • Reduced feed intake.
  • Reduced nutrient absorption; excretion of lipids, malabsorption syndrome.
  • Reduced productivity.
  • Reproduction; loss in fertility and hatchability.

CURATOX-L is a liquid detoxifier developed by the R&D Team of Zeus Biotech to minimize the negative effects of toxins in the birds. The detoxification function in the animal body is executed by the liver. CURATOX-L contains unique Phytomolecules like Milk thistle, Phylanthus niruri, Andrographis paniculata, Eclipta alba, Boerhavia diffusa and Tinospora cordifolia which are known for its supportive action to the liver for detoxification and other liver functions. Curcumin & Vitamin-E present in NILTOX-L are good antioxidants which prevent oxidation. Curcumin prevents biotransformation of toxins. Nicotinic acid in CURATOX-L helps to reduce the bad cholesterol  produced by the liver. Specific herbs in CURATOX-L help to improve immunity and reduce the incidences of gout. Overall, CURATOX-L acts as an effective detoxification agent and productivity enhancer for Broilers, Layers and Breeders.


  • Improves & optimizes liver functions like detoxification, protein metabolism, fat metabolism, carbohydrate metabolism, vitamin metabolism, etc.,
  • Improves immunity
  • Improves digestibility
  • Prevents oxidation damages
  • Improves overall performance


Milk thistle, Phylanthus niruri, Andrographis paniculate, Eclipta alba, Boerhavia diffusa, Tinospora cordifolia, Curcumin, Vitamin-E, Nicotinic Acid


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